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A message to the readers

Are you truly living your life?

We pursue both material and spiritual wisdom, but understanding is often elusive. Unlike material knowledge, spiritual insight cannot be fully gained through books. I once dedicated extensive time to reading various texts, only to realize that many authors write without genuine experience or knowledge of the spirit. Despite the popularity or sales of these books, they often lack true understanding of meditation or ultimate freedom.

Many of these spiritual volumes assert that samadhi is the pinnacle of experience. I too was under the impression that achieving samadhi meant attaining freedom, until I met my guru. My Guru said, "Samadhi is just the beginning." This revelation challenged all my book knowledge, helping me understand deeper truths that once seemed unclear. In Samadhi, we unite with the divine, sharing in the essence of God and experiencing a profound oneness. After tasting this experience, a profound question emerges: Who actually had the experience and who has been living this life all along? If we are indeed one, then surely one of the two identities must be an illusion. As we experience Samadhi more often, we increasingly become observers of our external lives on earth, shifting from personal identity to pure presence.

Once fully established in presence, we realize the fact the personal identity never existed in the first place. That's when the true test starts: embracing the illusion of physical existence and grounding oneself in pure consciousness. It may seem harsh to realize this delusion of personal identity dictates everyone's life from birth till death, preventing authentic living. It's like a house owner trapped by a tenant, unable see the outside world or enjoy fresh air for the entire life—a cruel cycle that repeats every lifetime.

True life begins when enlightenment dawns, revealing our real identity: that we are the divine essence, omnipresent and fundamental to all existence.