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A message to the readers

Shift In Consciousness

For individuals pursuing the genuine kingdom of God, a transformation in awareness is a cherished boon. You don't have to wrestle with the limitations of the world and your own mind and emotions. Instead, new spiritual energies occasionally accelerate our inner growth, offering support. With these newfound energies, higher wisdom becomes more accessible, assisting us in navigating the hurdles that line the path toward an era steeped in Truth.

Currently, our consciousness is heavily anchored to the physical realm, our mental activities, and our intellectual prowess—or a combination thereof. Due to deep-seated conditioning spanning millennia, many find it challenging to adapt to change and reconnect with their fundamental essence. To aid such individuals, various enlightened beings intermittently provide direction. When offered spiritual forces as support, embracing these rather than resisting is crucial for progress.

While meditation is beneficial, it is also important to engage in introspection and self-betterment. Recognizing one's own faults is crucial, as everyone has distinct areas requiring attention, whether it be forgiveness, acceptance, or overcoming fear. Seeing reality and others as they truly are is conducive to personal growth. Assessing whether one embodies serenity, integrity, and benevolence is critical—traits that are foundational for the forthcoming age. Reducing consumption of mainstream media may preserve mental clarity and thought purity. Prioritizing physical health, staying attuned to one's own body, and interacting with the natural world are key. Observing the expansive sky can foster the infusion of rejuvenating energies within. Practicing meditation during an eclipse can be advantageous.

A spiritual leader stated that if half of Earth's population opts for a new age lifestyle, it will be immediately realized due to a cosmic principle.