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A message to the readers

Life post self-realisation

Enlightenment is an ongoing journey with various stages of awakening. After enlightenment, one realizes there's no self, no world, and no deities; only pure consciousness and the unmanifested brahman—the ultimate reality.

After a profound awakening, life progresses and individuals use various strategies to manage the surreal state while staying connected to their true self. This is why many spiritual gurus exist, forming various spiritual groups. The aim is to help preserve the discovered reality and believe that past spiritual practices and studying sacred texts can promote enlightenment. However, this often leads to a new identity illusion. Intense awakenings release energy and subtle knowledge, which some misuse for personal gain by showcasing themselves as sages, attracting followers, seeking media attention, commercializing their image, and relying on political figures for fame.

The wise opt for silence and maintain it throughout their lives. After gaining enlightenment, abundant time becomes available, occasionally accompanied by a surge of energy to engage in activities. The most profound activity is to contemplate truth, experience the state beyond death, and relish the continuous joy emanating from the heart. This involves allowing life to unfold naturally, remaining a witness, and refraining from identifying with life's actions and activities.

Recently, I met someone who questioned the need for physical activities after realizing our own divinity. I explained these activities belong to the waking state, which is temporarily real but ultimately unreal. She struggled to understand, and I didn't push it. Truth requires no persuasion; it stands out independently. Physical fitness, earning an honest living, enjoying life, music, movies, books, learning music, writing blogs, cooking, gardening, and dressing neatly are activities that do not create or reinforce identity.

Pursuing spiritual leadership and founding a place of worship with many followers can disconnect you from yourself. The world already has plenty of gurus, both real and fake. No more are needed. When I started writing this blog, I encountered both invitations and threats; however, I chose to disregard them. I'm just an ordinary human being with no high expectations for readers—if one person reads it, great; if not, that's fine too—I’ve done my part.