A renowned master once declared, "You cannot serve two masters, God and money." This powerful metaphor illuminates the struggle individuals face in separating their desire for wealth from their spiritual devotion. Lord Buddha forsook all material possessions in his quest for enlightenment. In his era, countless followers emulated his path, abandoning their riches and familial duties to seek the same truth. This approach serves as a clear way to identify the presence of the ego by bringing it to the forefront, offering a stark contrast to other methods that allow the ego to remain hidden. In truth, the ego remains intact whether or not one gives up wealth, making it a superficial change that merely provides the illusion of ego destruction.
Truth is always present and just needs detachment from thoughts. One can be wealthy, like King Janaka or Emperor Marcus Aurelius, yet remain fully detached from riches. The greatest masters have taught that ego is a soul’s attitude, determining its expression using free will. Honest work for a decent life is important, and one shouldn't shirk responsibilities for personal enlightenment. Truth exists within us and detachment from thoughts reveals it. We don't need to leave family or jobs; spiritual success can accompany material wealth. I remember once a meditator remarked, "Enlightenment's real test is living within family and society, not in a cave."
My Guru is an utmost wise and esteemed spiritual master. He once conveyed that money holds significant importance as we are interdependent in this world. Even for something as simple as acquiring a matchbox, we rely on money and society. We cannot live isolated from the world. He stated, "You need money to buy bus tickets to travel from the city to this meditation center."