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A message to the readers

Five space suits

The temporary vessel we call our body, sustained by nourishment of food, is a precious gift from the divine. Whether we realize it or not, it is one of the five space suits. Though it doesn't need worship, it does deserve attentive care. This physical form harbors its own intelligence, interlaced with other subtle existences we sense through the rhythms of breath, thoughts, emotions, and moments of bliss. As our consciousness ascends, we sometimes perceive these bodies distinctly. Constituents of food nourishes the physical body, emotions move within the mental body, thoughts navigate within the intellectual body, and both gross and subtle breaths animate the pranic sheath. The essence of our spiritual layer is bliss. Just as we transport our physical selves from one location to another, each layer possesses its own wisdom to move or journey as needed in their respective realm.

In my experience, sometimes the mental body stretches out, as if like a soap bubble, arise externally from the chest towards physical world, expanding infinitely and occasionally traveling far. When death occurs, the subtle body detaches from the physical body much like a velcro strap being forcefully pulled apart. The pranic energy unfolds to separate the subtle forms from feet to head like rolled calendar. The affected areas instantly become lifeless, and the involuntary muscle contractions produce a sensation like pain as experienced by the observing consciousness. Interestingly, our senses become more acute and we feel more alive. Even in death, consciousness continues to observe these activities from a place of stillness.

Embracing spirituality means acknowledging every part of ourselves. Our spirit is pure, but our bodies need attention and care. Proper nutrition and exercise benefit the body, literature enriches the intellect, art nurtures the mind, pranayama enhances the pranic body, and spreading joy nourishes the spirit. Maintaining the health of these aspects is our responsibility. However, these physical forms exist only when we are awake; they disappear in dreams and deep sleep. In our true essence, we are formless and without a body, existing beyond consciousness. Once we experience our absolute state, we understand that we are neither within nor outside the body; the divine illusion projects a special effect in our waking consciousness. This special effect (Maya) allows us to appreciate the beauty of the same divine consciousness in various forms of life and non-living entities like nature and the world. Consciousness is what appears in all entities; essentially, we see ourselves as interconnected with everything and everyone. When we're still, we gain insight into our true selves and nature. This understanding leads us to appreciate all life and stop causing harm, realizing that we are all connected.

A great master of our era once remarked, “Without Maya, we can see only Light. Maya is a gift; it is not a curse or a limitation. A tree, a mountain, a river, even a stone is made of Divine Matter. Everything possesses innate sentience. Every object consists of Consciousness and has individuality, intelligence, and feelings.”