When Christ spoke of being sent to liberate the poor, prisoners, and oppressed, his message, with its metaphorical depth, was not easily grasped. Just as modern systems are deeply rooted in thought today, they were similarly entrenched in the past, prompting Christ to use parables to convey profound truths.
Unwittingly, humans spend their lives caught in the confines of their minds. Our societal constructs—the education sector, professional arenas, personal relationships, and media—are saturated with thought-based ideologies. Human life is steered by thoughts, which determine ethics, values, success measures, codes of conduct, and occasionally religious norms that influence behaviours and life choices, frequently leading to a pressured and confining existence. Thoughts persist beyond wakefulness into sleep through dreams, and constant thinking trap individuals in a cycle of mental imprisonment, increasing susceptibility to depression or worse.
Recognising our true nature helps us avoid taking thoughts too seriously. It is essential to recognise when we are consumed by thoughts and when we experience moments of mental stillness. Currently, the mind confines us to live in dark age. Once our inner self start to radiate like the sun, we'll enter an era of enlightenment, guided by love and luminosity.