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A message to the readers

Independence Day

The most profound act of kindness we can offer is to help someone connect with their inner spirit, enabling them to view the world through a spiritual lens. This transformation feels like a rebirth, a deep spiritual awakening. Such an awakening eliminates fear once and for all, ending mental suffering. On this day, a person ascends beyond the natural world, transcending the constant flux of existence.

When I observe the world, I see people unaware of their intrinsic wealth, living as though they are impoverished. They perpetually chase after power, attention, love, and material possessions in their quest for happiness, remaining needy by either achieving fleeting goals or pursuing lifelong desires. They find solace within the narrow confines of their minds, looking through the keyhole of their persona, daily reflecting on themselves, striving to enhance or reinvent their destiny.

The most distressing aspect is that people are oblivious to their condition, so the notion of seeking a remedy never arises. Instead, they focus on self-improvement or becoming more competent sufferers, both in their own eyes and those of others. Who will tell them that everything perceived through the senses, including the perceiver, is essentially one? Though things appear manifold, they are unified. Everything changes, including the persona. When the individual itself is an illusion, all the accumulated knowledge, lived experiences, and struggles become meaningless. It is similar to a temporary life experienced in a dream, but this dream occurs in the waking state.

Despite seeming fully awake, we are actually ensnared in a web of thoughts, unable to rise above them even momentarily. We live our entire lives and die like animals, never truly breaking free. Many who claim to be spiritual often lead inauthentic lives. They recognize the need to free themselves from all ideas, yet they cling to certain beliefs as part of their spiritual journey or religion. They adhere to religious rituals and practices, fearing to transcend other concepts. They seek validation from others and the world, celebrating every spiritual occasion as a form of spiritual entertainment to appease their false outer self. This only solidifies the illusion and hinders the dissolution of the ego.

True independence for a human being occurs when we break free from the cycle of birth and death, rise above mental enslavement, and remain untouched by any circumstances. It is when nothing can unsettle us, when we are unperturbed, and when we know ourselves at all levels of consciousness. We become the gods and rulers of our minds, where the mind fears us, never daring to raise its hood or speak aloud.