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A message to the readers

Not Spiritual and Spiritual

Jesus stated, "Consider the field lilies, how effortlessly they flourish without toil or spinning. Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear." Those who attain Christ consciousness might wear everyday clothes instead of religious robes, embodying the teachings in their lives. Christ would have been amused to see people donning cassocks or soutanes and preaching his teachings. 

The notion that individuals require priests to connect with the divine, and cannot do so on their own, is unspiritual. The notion that we are not pure but a sinner is unspiritual. It becomes a hollow practice to idolize the bearer of the message while failing to embody its essence in our lives. This applies universal across all faiths. While Allah is compassionate, not all believers practice mercy. Lord Ram and Lord Shiva embody love, but the extent to which their devotees exhibit and extend that love towards others varies. 

Embracing spirituality does not require one to don saffron garments or adorn themselves with prayer beads or growing a long beard. Spirituality revolves around performing actions correctly and suitably, without excess or deficiency. Spirituality is facing life squarely all its flavors of ups and downs. Embracing spirituality doesn't require forsaking material wealth. You don't need to quit your job or give up your status to grow spiritually. The human body is considered a sacred vessel that carries us through life; thus, withholding food from it in the name of fasting is unspiritual. Though time is a pure illusion, deeming specific periods as inauspicious for meditation is unspiritual. Dwelling in a forest necessitates learning to coexist with diverse species. While taking any life is less than ideal, permitting pests to proliferate and occupy one's living space cannot be condoned. When living in modern world maintaining cleanliness and a pest-free environment within one's residence is a spiritual practice. Ultimately, at the highest level of existence, divinity alone prevails, there is no birth and death of any creatures.

Often, the notion that spirituality inherently embodies honesty, goodness, and tranquility might not resonate with everyone. Some hold vegetarianism as superior and dismissive of other choices, wondering if they'll recognise that true spirituality surpasses dietary preferences and resides in embracing one's natural state. The knowledge of Self cannot be traded for profit. That means selling spiritual knowledge by any means is unspiritual. In a lighter vein, it is also observed in common that individuals seeking self-knowledge at meditation haven, end up purchasing things, believing they carries spiritual advantages.

A great master near the Himalayas told me, "Usually, self-knowledge is undervalued and misunderstood by many. However, in the entire universe, including celestial entities, all beings diligently pursue this wisdom as it stands superior to all other knowledge."